"Archivum Medii Aevi Digitale - Specialized open access repository for research in the middle ages"
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Results Documents:
2018Nuns, Textiles, and Reform in the Middle AgesButler, K. Bevin
2018Christ, Mary, and the Saints: Reading Religious Subjects in Medieval and Renaissance SpainTwomey, Lesley; Beresford, Andrew M.
2018Thinking in Hieroglyphic Images: from the Renaissance Hermetic tradition through the Avant-garde to Contemporary artRoger Ferrer-Ventosa
2018Die Farb- und Tintenrezepte des Cod. germ. 1 der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg und ihre VorlagenHeiles, Marco
2017Triangular (and alternative) connections from Mediterranean Renaissance to Southern Raphaelism. Koiné-effect, frontier-artists, and longshore protagonistsMaria Vittoria Spissu
2017Microorganisms and the integrated conservation-intervention process of the renaissance mural paintings from Casas Pintadas in Évora – Know to act, act to preserveMara Silva; Tânia Rosado; A. Teresa Caldeira; José Pestana; José Mirão; Milene Gil; António Candeias; Luís Dias
2017Bild und Text in Heinrich von Redens „Preußischer Chronik“ 1553 – Bewusstsein und Identität in königlich Preußen zur Mitte des 16. JahrhundertsHoltmann, Ansgar
2017Renaissance Motifs in Jozef Ciller’s Shakespearean ScenographiesInštitorisová Dagmar
2017Determination of Characteristic Trace Elements in a Middle Age Bronze Door of the Augsburg Cathedral by Using Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) ; Bestimmung von charakteristischen Spurenelementen in einer mittelalterlichen Bronzetür des Augsburger Doms mithilfe der Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse (NAA)Li, Xiaosong; Lierse von Gostomski, Christoph; Mach, Martin
2017Bricks and tiles. In: Engl, R, 'Where there's muck there's money: The excavation of Medieval and Post-Medieval Middens and associated tenement at Advocate's Close, Edinburgh'. Scottish Archaeology Internet Report 67Haggarty, George