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 To submission
Date: 2018
Title: Refashioning Italian Theatrical and Dramatic Conventions: Prologues, Epilogues and Inductions in Early Modern English Drama
Author: Cioni, Fernando
Description: Elizabethan drama used a variety of introductory scenes which can be defined as inductions, provided that we distinguish their dramatic and theatrical functions. In the theatre, the induction is a dramatic device, metatheatrical and metadramatic, which emphasizes the nature of the play. Richard Hosley argues that it is “a short dramatic action introducing a full-length play, normally performed by two or more actors and creating a fictional situation different from that of the play itself.” This article contains a survey of such inductions in the English theatre with parallels in the Italian tradition. The article also contains as an appendix a detailed overview of inductions and dumbshows in English plays.
Other Identifier:
AMAD ID: 611394
Appears in Collections:BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)
General history of Europe

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