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Title: Beyond Empire and the New Medievalism: Bounded Hegemony in the EU and NAFTA
Contributor: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Author: Vincent Della Sala
Sergio Fabbrini
Description: There are two competing metaphors trying to understand recent developments in the transformation of the state and the post-Cold War order. On the one hand, the “new ” regionalism has hearkened back to Hedley Bull’s analysis of a “new medievalism ” to replace the existing system of states. The European Union, and to a lesser extent other forms of regional integration such as NAFTA and Mercosur, have strengthened claims that the system of states is being supplanted by a fragmented order with no clear locus of power. On the other hand, globalization has spawned a whole range of metaphors from “Westernization ” to “McDonaldization ” all of which are versions of an image of “empire”; that is, the locus of political authority, and basis of order, not resting with states but with an imperial power. This metaphor is essentially about the role of the United States in defining the nature and scope of the international system which presents no contenders to its supreme military power. Both metaphors are inadequate not simply because, as many economists argue, regionalism and globalization are symbiotic relationships. They are inadequate as the basis for political analysis precisely because they do not help us understand the political basis of the relationship between the two processes. Moreover, they fail to provide a basis for understanding hegemony in the international system: “new medievalism ” essentially understates
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AMAD ID: 568235
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General history of Europe

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