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Titel: Sederi VII (1996): 107—114 English and French as L1 and L2 in Renaissance England: a consequence of medieval nationalism
Mitwirkende: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Autor*in: Begoña Crespo García
Santiago De Compostela
Universidad De
Beschreibung: During the Middle Ages the natural tendency of Latin was to replace vernacular languages and their literatures, but this tendency was little by little cut off by ecclesiastical politics. The Church, which accepted and even fostered religious conflicts among culturally different peoples through the Crusades was, in fact, promoting national wars. A feeling of differentiation and separate cultural interests favours the use of the word nation, “ found in the fourteenth century with something of a modern sense ” (Galbraith 1941, 117). Although other terms of the same lexical field (national, nationalism, nationality) are not traced until much later, the occurrence of the word nation proves the awareness of ethnocultural different communities as it was admitted in the Council of Constance1 (1414) where “ the right of each nation to be counted as the equal of every other ” (Fishman 1973, 4) called for general acceptance. A nationalist ideology embraces “ the more inclusive organization and the elaborated beliefs, values and behaviors which nationalities develop on behalf of their avowed ethnocultural self-interest ” (Fishman 1973, 4). But, for the recognition of these common characteristics to have practical consequences two circumstances are to take place: 1. The existence of an elite
AMAD ID: 568288
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)
General history of Europe

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