"Archivum Medii Aevi Digitale - Specialized open access repository for research in the middle ages"
 To submission
Date: 2008
Title: Peasants ’ Revolt and the Making of a Medieval Legend
Contributor: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Author: Dr. Martha Rampton
Danielle Sabatka
Description: England in the fourteenth century was in a transitional phase, experiencing social changes as a result of multiple factors, including an outbreak of the plague in 1348, the ongoing Hundred Years War, and challenges to traditional societal organization. The Peasants ’ Revolt was one of the results of these stresses, when in the summer of 1381 rebels marched to and gained control of London. The chronicles written at the time of the revolt reveal that the rebels expressed many of the same ideals that resonate in the Robin Hood ballads written following the revolt. These revolve around the clergy and religion, social and political power relations, economic disparity between the haves and have-nots, and loyalty to the king. While the revolt ultimately failed, it led to the coalescing of the Robin Hood motifs, and turned a popular folk figure into a representation of the rebels ’ desired changes. The ballads of Robin Hood allowed the rebels to express their aspirations that became an important contribution to English culture and literature by the lower classes. In the Peasants ’ Revolt of 1381, Englishmen and women expressed their dissatisfaction with the government as people from different areas and social classes came together and demonstrated their desire for a more
Other Identifier:
AMAD ID: 568316
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General history of Europe

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