"Archivum Medii Aevi Digitale - Specialized open access repository for research in the middle ages"
 To submission
Date: 2000
Title: Human refuse as a major ecological factor in medieval urban vertebrate communities
Contributor: Winder, N.
Bailey, G.
Charles, R.
Author: O'Connor, T.P.
Description: Organic refuse, such as food and butchery waste, was commonly deposited in dumps andpits in medieval towns throughout northern Europe. These deposits of refuse attracted and supponed a diverse communily of scavengers and their predators. The organic refuse can be seen as a source of energy that maintained food-webs of donor-controlled populations, giving them potentially high population densities, foundercontrolled response to perturbation, and perhaps a strongly stochastic element in determining which species became dominant at any particular location. The red kite is an example of a scavenger which was strongly dependent on refuse deposition, and it is argued that cats in medieval towns may have lived largely as predators within the refuse-supported food-webs.
Other Identifier:
AMAD ID: 561806
Appears in Collections:BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)
General history of Europe

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