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Date: 2022
Title: Frederic of Leuchtenberg
Author: Schrott, Georg
Citation: Georg Schrott, Frederic of Leuchtenberg, in: Dictionary of Cistercian Saints, hrsg. von Mirko Breitenstein, Jörg Sonntag und Alkuin Schachenmayr, Frankfurt am Main: AMAD, 2022. DOI:
Abstract: This biographical article about a Cistercian saint is part of the Dictionary of Cistercian Saints (DCS). Currently in preparation, this reference work contains articles about all the saints and beati belonging to the Cistercian, Trappist, and Feuillant movements, among others. The DCS will cover the entire time-range of Cistercian history to the present day.
License: CC0
Appears in Collections:Article
Dictionary of Cistercian Saints
General history of Europe

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