„Archivum Medii Aevi Digitale - Interdisziplinäres Open-Access-Fachrepositorium und Wissenschaftsblog für Mittelalterforschung‟
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Datum: 1984
Titel: The origin of the cliticness of the west Germanic definite article: the case of Beowulf
Autor*in: Janez Orešnik
Beschreibung: The present paper is mainly concerned with the definite ar­ ticle of Beowulf. The literature about the West Germanic definite article has always allotted a prime place among the old Germanic texts to this poem: it is undisputably archaic (Kuhn 1933: 105, D. Hofmann 1959:189), and suitable for statistical genera­lisations. Its more than 6,000 hemistichs contain about 300 in­stances of the. definite article (Lichtenheld 1872:332).
AMAD ID: 585527
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)
General history of Europe

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