"Archivum Medii Aevi Digitale - Specialized open access repository for research in the middle ages"To submission
Results Documents:
Date | Title | Author(s) |
1997 | Ernst Robert Curtius (1886-1956) and medieval studies | Ziolkowski, Jan M. |
2000 | Nota bene: why the classics were neumed in the Middle Ages | Ziolkowski, Jan M. |
2012 | Medieval Latin in Modern English: Translations from the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day | Ziolkowski, Jan M. |
1988 | Saints in Invocations and Oaths in Medieval Literature | Ziolkowski, Jan M. |
1996 | Towards a history of medieval Latin literature | Ziolkowski, Jan M. |
2001 | The highest form of compliment: "Imitatio" in medieval Latin culture | Ziolkowski, Jan M. |
2006 | Il libro e la nota: il ruolo della musica nei manoscritti medievali (secc. IX - XII) dell'"Orazio lirico" | Ziolkowski, Jan M. |
2010 | Laments for Lost Children: Latin Traditions | Ziolkowski, Jan M. |
1991 | Cultural Diglossia and the Nature of Medieval Latin Literature | Ziolkowski, Jan M. |
2006 | Juggling the Middle Ages: The Reception of Our Lady's Tumbler and Le jongleur de Notre-Dame | Ziolkowski, Jan M. |