"Archivum Medii Aevi Digitale - Specialized open access repository for research in the middle ages"To submission
Results Documents:
Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Informationsverarbeitung in privaten Chroniken Londoner Bürger (14.–16. Jahrhundert) | Neubert, Charlotte |
2020 | der hât mich gemachet sus grôz | van Beek, Lena |
2018 | The King’s Wife in Wessex: The Tale of Wicked Queen Eadburh | Foerster, Anne |
2018 | Female Rulership: The Case of Seaxburh, Queen of Wessex | Foerster, Anne |
2017 | Irish-Latin Code-switching in a Medieval Irish Commentary | Stam, Nike |
2017 | Henry VII’s Letter to Carlisle in 1498: His Concerns about Retaining in a Border Fortress | Mckelvie, Gordon |
2015 | Service and Servants in Early Modern English Culture to 1660 | Elizabeth Rivlin |
2012 | An early medieval tradition of building in Britain | Gardiner, Mark |
2012 | Sophie Chiari. L’Image du labyrinthe à la Renaissance. Détours et arabesques au temps de Shakespeare | Jean-Louis CLARET |
2012 | Rules and Textual Construction of the Vocational Practices of Actors and Lawyers in Early Modern England | Carla Dente |