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Showing results 162 to 181 of 103360 < previous   next >
2014A 'Khazar Prince' at the Walls of Medieval KievKoptev, Alexander
1986A 'Quaestio' of Henricus de Segusio and the textual tradition of his 'Summa super decretalibus'Pennington, Kenneth
2013A 'truth universally acknowledged'?: morphology as an indicator of medieval planned market townsOosthuizen, Susan M.
2012A 12th Century Cemetery Fragment from Gilau (Cluj County) (Germ.: JulmarktIsac, Adriana; Gal, Szilárd; Gáll, Erwin
1943A 13th century Hitler, the emperor Frederick IIHearnshaw, Fossey John Cobb
1952A 13th-century kiln-site at Potters MarstonHaynes, S.
2014A 6th century dump from Classe (Ravenna)Cirelli, Enrico; Cannavicci, Anna
2014A 7Th Century Warrior House at Iernut/Sfântu Gheorghe (Mures County)Cosma, Calin
1999A Ballad about Saint Andrew and the Cannibals, Attributed to Saint EphraimEsbroeck, Michel van
1997A Basic Scheme of Oral Poetry - as found in Ancient Scandinavia-
2012A Biblical Role-Playing Game? Interpreting and Contextualizing a Late Medieval Latin Poem inc. Vos qui concupiscitisDoležalová, Lucie
2010A Bibliographic Clavis to the Works of Philoxenos of MabbugMichelson, David A.
2002A Bibliographical 'Clavis' to the Corpus of Works attributed to Isaac of AntiochMathews, Edward G. jr.
2011A Bibliography of Published Works by Margaret Wade LabargeLabarge, Margaret Wade
2006A Bibliography of the Published Scholarly Works of Sheila DelanyDelany, Sheila M.
1-Jan-1922A biography of Dante Alighieri, set forth as his life journey, by Denton J. Snider.Snider, Denton Jaques, 1841-1925.
2015A blank space: Mandeville, maps, and possibility.-
1996A Bologna tra maestri e studentiArnaldi, Girolamo
1-Jan-2015A Book as a Gift for Ferdinand I of Habsburg. An Unknown Bohemical Manuscript from the Collections of the Austrian National Library in ViennaŠárovcová, Martina
1984A Bosnian Kingdom Metalworking TraditionWenzel, Marian